Should You Consider Using Beer On Your Hair?

When it comes to the health of our hair, drinking beer may have some less than desirable side effects. Because alcohol dehydrates us, experts say this can impact the texture and strength of our locks. "Alcohol can negatively affect our hair in multiple ways," hair specialist and medical director of True & Dorin Medical Group Dr. Robert Dorin told Byrdie. "Our hair requires constant nourishment, and healthy hair relies on how hydrated our bodies are. Consuming excessive alcohol can leave hair dry and brittle." 

Rather than drinking beer, are there any potential benefits to be gained from applying it topically? Although it may sound strange, some beauty experts swear by beer hair masks as a means to amp up shine, shape, and volume, reports US News and World Report. While the scientific evidence is lacking, the link is thought to be due to the malt and hop proteins contained in beer, which may boost the health of hair follicles (via Healthline).

Prior to use, consider consulting with a doctor about any potential side effects. Otherwise, if you're looking to try something new, here are some tips on using beer as a weekly hair treatment.

Steps for making a beer hair mask

As per Healthline, beer can be used in either a hair rinse or a hair mask. For a weekly hair rinse, douse your locks with 8 ounces of flat beer following your normal shampoo and conditioning treatment. Massage the beer throughout your hair and scalp and let it soak for 15 minutes before rinsing it out with cool water. Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are popular add-ins sometimes used in combination with the beer rinse.

For a deeper conditioning treatment, create a hair mask starting with half a cup of flat beer. Add in up to 3 tablespoons of either avocado oil — which is rich in vitamin B — or coconut oil for a little added hydration, as well as one gently mixed egg. Stir together so the ingredients are blended but not overly runny. Massage the mask throughout your hair and into your scalp, and let it sit for up to an hour under a shower cap. Afterward, rinse out the mixture from your hair and follow up with a shampoo.

While there may be some debate as to the validity of beer as hair care, it may be worth a try if deemed safe by your physician or dermatologist.