Which Muscles Are You Working When Running?

Many people enjoy going for a run. This form of exercise is a great way to get your heart rate up and improve your cardiovascular health. Running also works a variety of muscles in your body, in both your lower and upper body (via Bustle). When you run, your quadriceps, or the muscles on the front of your thigh, are working hard to propel you forward. Your hamstrings, or the muscles on the back of your thigh, are also working as they help to swing your leg forward. Additionally, your calf muscles are helping to push off from the ground with each step. Your glutes also play a big role in running, as they help to stabilize your pelvis and keep you moving forward.

You may think that running only works your legs, but your core and upper body get a workout too. Your core muscles, which are the muscles in your abdomen and lower back, work together to keep your torso stable as you move. Finally, the muscles in your arms help you keep your balance and help you generate more power as you run.

What are the benefits of running?

Running is a great form of exercise. It is an aerobic activity, meaning that your heart and lungs get a good workout as you run (via Better Health Channel). Running is an aerobic activity that helps to strengthen your heart and lungs, which can lead to improved cardiovascular health over time. Running also helps to boost your overall fitness levels, since it requires more muscle groups than many other forms of exercise. This means that you will build muscles in different parts of your body as you continue to run each day or week.

Another benefit of running is that it is highly convenient: all you need in order to go for a run are some comfortable clothes and shoes, and maybe some music if you prefer to listen to something while working out (via Openfit). You can run anywhere, at any time of day. This makes it a great form of exercise for busy people who find it difficult to make time for a trip to the gym. Finally, running is one of the most affordable forms of exercise available. You do not need any expensive equipment or gear in order to start running; all you need are some comfortable clothes and shoes. You may want to invest in a good pair of running shoes if you plan on running regularly, but other than that, there are no real costs associated with this form of exercise.