The Unexpected Side Effects Of Having An Infected Tooth

According to SmilesNY, an infection can develop inside or under a tooth due to the buildup of tooth decay, a tooth injury, or dental work. No matter how the infection occurs, it's vital you receive treatment, as an untreated infected tooth can lead to dangerous health complications.

The pulp, or the innermost part of the tooth, is the area affected most by an infection as the pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and tissue (via SmilesNY). When an infected tooth is present, it's possible for the bacteria from the infection to travel to nearby bones and tissue. A tooth that's been infected with bacteria may form a pocket of pus in the tooth known as a tooth abscess.

In many cases, an infected tooth is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. It is possible for severe complications to occur, such as trouble breathing and swallowing, and these complications shouldn't be taken lightly. According to WebMD, if you experience trouble breathing or swallowing, or have a fever and swelling in the face, you should see a doctor immediately as the infection may have spread to other areas of the body. Klement Family Dental also suggests getting immediate medical care if you experience severe pain or symptoms of sepsis.

Side effects of an infected tooth

While you may expect red, puffy gums with an infected tooth, you may also endure some unexpected side effects. For example, Klement Family Dental reports an infected tooth can cause bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth, due to bacteria from the infection. There's also the possibility of having more sensitivity when eating hot or cold items, which can cause irritation around the infected tooth. Depending on where the infected tooth is, it may also hurt to bite or chew on one side of your mouth.

Other unexpected side effects of an infected tooth are symptoms you can feel and see: fever and swelling. The face, and lymph nodes in the neck, can swell from an infected tooth, which oftentimes is paired with a fever (via Klement Family Dental). A fever is essentially your body's way of fighting off the infection.

Pain from an infected tooth isn't just felt around the tooth itself. Infected tooth pain can be felt in the neck, jaw, ear, sinuses, or head, and varies in severity and persistence, according to Totally Dental. However, pain near a tooth doesn't always mean you have an infected tooth, so it's important to bring up any symptoms you have to your dentist.