Sneaky Causes Of Yeast Infections That May Surprise You

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as vaginal candidiasis, is a fungal infection inside the vagina. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), yeast grows naturally on the skin and inside the body, such as the vagina, mouth, or gut. Typically, the infection is mild, but more severe yeast infections can interrupt one's daily life with serious pain or irritation. While they are more common in women, it's possible for men to experience yeast infections as well. 

When a body produces too much yeast, it can cause an infection in various parts of the body (via Planned Parenthood). Warm or humid conditions and certain medications can also increase the risk of a yeast infection occurring. However, there are some sneaky reasons why a yeast infection may occur. 

According to Optum Perks, eating too much sugar may cause an overgrowth of yeast. Your body tries to get rid of the sugar through urine. But as the urine passes through your body, yeast can grow out of control because it feeds off the sugar. In addition, there are a few other unexpected conditions that can result in yeast infections.

Health conditions and yeast infections

Yeast can rapidly grow in the body due to untreated diabetes, as it raises your blood sugar (via Optum Perks). Yeast loves this type of environment because of the increased amount of sugar present. When diabetes is treated, some diabetes medications pose a risk of yeast infections. This is because some diabetes medications work to help your body get rid of the extra amount of sugar by passing it through your urine. 

Those who are breastfeeding, pregnant, taking birth control pills, or in menopause are at a higher risk of developing a yeast infection due to the change in hormones, according to WebMD. The balance in the vagina changes during these stages, putting it at a higher risk of developing a yeast infection. Another sneaky cause of a yeast infection can be a weakened immune system — specifically in those with HIV or another immune system disorder. The most common way to treat yeast infections is via ointment, suppositories, or creams unless your doctor prescribes an oral antifungal medication.