What's Causing A Sweet Taste In Your Mouth?

Over time, we naturally come to associate certain tastes with specific food items. With a slice of cake or piece of candy, for instance, we know we're in for a sweet flavor. So what does it mean when we get a taste of something sweet in our mouth in combination with something unexpected?

According to experts at the Cleveland Clinic, a sudden sweet taste in the mouth could be tied to your sense of smell. A glass of water that tastes sweet, for example, may be due in part to the scent of the glass you're drinking out of. Internal medicine expert Dr. Philip Junglas elaborates, telling the Cleveland Clinic, "If the cup is just out of the dishwasher, the soap may cause the liquid to taste different compared to a cup that you're drinking out of that's been on the shelf for a few days."

Alternatively, if you notice a sweet taste engulfing your taste buds come nighttime, acid reflux may be to blame. Dr. Junglas goes on to explain that during the course of the night, traces of stomach acid can make their way back up the esophagus. This reflux, combined with the enzymes found in our saliva, can create a sweet flavor in your mouth.

When to consult with your doctor

In some cases, a sweet taste in the mouth may be a symptom of an alternate health disorder. Such examples include thyroid disorders, seizure disorder, or a sinus infection, explains Healthline. A sweet taste in the mouth could also indicate high blood sugar levels and the potential development of diabetes, Dr. Junglas states via the Cleveland Clinic. Generally speaking, health conditions in connection with a sweet taste in the mouth are those that impact our body's sensory functioning, per Healthline.

So are these sweet sensations cause for concern? If the flavor only strikes every so often, experts at Healthline say that it's probably temporary and medical care likely isn't necessary. However, an appointment with your physician is encouraged if that sweet taste begins to surface more frequently or becomes ongoing. Because the cause of a sweet taste in the mouth can vary, a neurologist, endocrinologist, or ear, nose, and throat doctor are all specialists that can help address the root cause of the issue. To help diagnose any possible underlying conditions, your primary care doctor is a great place to start.