When You Start Sleeping Naked, This Is What Happens To Your Skin

Sleeping naked is a matter of personal preference. While some of us might feel uncomfortable with having no clothes on as we slip under the covers, others might not be able to get the quality sleep we desire with our pajamas on. 

No matter the choice, snoozing in the nude has a lot of benefits. Among the surprising things that happen when you start sleeping naked is the fact that the habit helps you drift off to dreamland a lot sooner. This is why we tried the naked sleeping hack to fall asleep in record time, just so we could find out for ourselves. Additionally, sleeping without any clothes on can boost intimacy in a relationship. Skin-to-skin contact can increase levels of oxytocin, making you feel more attached to your significant other. Sleeping nude can also help you feel more confident and happy in your skin. 

Speaking of skin, there's a correlation between just how healthy your skin can be and sleeping in the nude, per some experts. If you're thinking about the skin in your nether regions, you are partly correct. When you're not wearing tight undergarments or pajamas that cause friction, you're giving your skin down there room to breathe. This can prevent yeast infections in women. Reducing a moist and hot environment where your private parts are concerned can be good for your health. But sleeping in the nude can boost overall skin health in a more indirect way, too.

Sleeping naked, sleep quality, and skin health: the connection

Temperature (how hot or cold you feel when snoozing) has an important role to play when it comes to how well you sleep. This is why we wake up if we feel too warm or too cold. Sleeping naked can promote good sleep by reducing your body temperature and helping you cool down. You will also stay asleep longer when your body is in a comfortably cool state. 

This is where skin health comes into play. How well you sleep (or don't sleep) can manifest in your skin. And we're not only referring to dark circles under your eyes when you don't get enough sleep. A 2013 study in the journal Sleep found that sleep deprived adults had hanging eyelids, more swollen eyes, darker circles under their eyes, paler skin, redder eyes, more wrinkles and fine lines, and more droopy corners of the mouth than those who slept enough. While puffy eyes or hanging eyelids occur because of fluid buildup under your eyes, pale, droopy, and wrinkly skin come about because of dehydration, per a 2020 Korean study in Skin Research and Technology. Now we know why people use the term "beauty sleep": Good rest can make you look better.

On the topic of wrinkles, sleep influences collagen production. When you're sleeping, your body produces higher levels of collagen, the structural protein responsible for skin elasticity and youthfulness. Plus, lack of sleep can cause spikes in your stress hormone, cortisol. This can hamper collagen production as well. The result? Older-looking skin. 

What happens to wound healing and skin conditions when you sleep better?

Per a 2018 study in the Journal of Applied Physiology, participants who slept better had better wound-healing and skin barrier restoration than those who didn't. In fact, getting sufficient sleep might be more important than good nutrition when it comes to wound healing. Good sleep aids your immune system, which helps promote healing, explained sleep expert Dr. Clete Kushida,a neurologist at Stanford University Medical Center in California (via Science News Explores). 

If you have skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema, proper sleep becomes even more important. For those dealing with acne, adequate sleep helps keep your sebum production under control by managing your stress hormone cortisol. Repairing and strengthening your skin barrier, which happens during a good night's rest, is important for eczema, psoriasis, and acne. 

Does this mean you have to sleep naked to combat skin conditions and have youthful, glowing skin? Not necessarily. The key is to get a good night's rest. For those who are already comfortable sleeping in the nude, now you have more reasons to continue the habit. For others who want better skin health but don't feel like shedding all of their layers before bedtime, it's possible to create a cooling environment by wearing less to bed. What you can opt for include tank tops and boxers in breathable fabric. Jumping in the shower before bed can also help. And while you're at it, why not pay attention to all of your sleep hygiene habits?