Surprising Side Effects Of Botox

Most of us have witnessed the droopy-face side effect of Botox in a comedy series or film. You know, when the character hopes to get the procedure done without everyone knowing, only to have to admit to it because of the sagging area of their face. Given how prevalent Botox has become in the cosmetic surgery industry, some may be surprised to find out just how many side effects are attached to this wrinkle banisher. And unfortunately, unlike a droopy eyelid, many of them are not worth laughing over.

According to Medical News Today, Botox is a drug that temporarily weakens or paralyzes the muscle to smooth out the skin and help treat some medical conditions. It is the most popular cosmetic procedure nationwide. Side effects aren't common, but some mild symptoms to look out for post-procedure are headache, dry eyes, an upset stomach, numbness. While most side effects improve quickly on their own, the more unwelcome ones — including the droopy eyelids — may take weeks to resolve as the effects of the drug fades (via Healthline). Those who have an allergy to Botox or an infection at their desired injection site should avoid the drug entirely.

Find out the possible side effects before you make an appointment

You may also be surprised that the veins in your face may become a little more noticeable. Dermatological surgeon Dr. Patricia Wexler tells Romper why this is. "Muscle atrophy can cause changes in facial contouring so it is important to maintain good skin care habits to keep the overlying skin healthy," she explains. "UV-damaged skin can get thin and then underlying structures such as veins will become more visible." Wexler also mentions that if you start using Botox early on in your 20s, you're at a greater risk of your skin looking thinner.

In rare cases, there are more serious side effects. Healthline recommends seeking immediate medical attention if you have recently had Botox and have difficulty breathing, trouble swallowing, vision problems, or loss of bladder control.

According to Newsweek, in the past ten years, there has been a nearly 41% increase of Botox procedures in the United States. The more popular it becomes, the more likely that the public will assume that it is safe. And while this may be true for a high percentage of Botox fans, it is still a drug. And anyone using, or planning on using, this drug should be aware of all of the possible side effects.