How Eating Pineapple Really Affects Your Gut Health

You might not give it much thought, but your gut health is pretty important. Science Direct explains that your digestive system starts at your esophagus and ends with your bowel, and all of the parts involved have specific roles to play when it comes to digesting your food. A healthy gut is linked to a healthy immune system, and it even plays a part in mental health.

One of the best ways you can take care of your gut is to eat a healthy balanced diet that includes a variety of health choices. Eat This, Not That! suggests a diet that includes yogurt, mangoes, fermented foods, sprouted grains, garlic, collagen, coconut oil, and onions. One fruit stands out as one of the best you can eat is pineapple. Pineapple is loaded with nutrients that include vitamins B6 and C, magnesium, manganese, copper, folate, niacin, and iron. And it turns out, it's great for your gut, too.

Pineapple can improve digestion

One reason why pineapple is good for your gut is that it contains a compound called bromelain, which is a digestive enzyme that helps break down foods that contain protein, per Well+Good. When bromelain breaks down protein, it makes it easier for the small intestine to absorb it, per Healthline. A review published in the International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology showed that bromelain also reduces inflammation in the digestive tract.

Another thing pineapple has going for it is its fiber content. One cup of the fruit contains about two grams of soluble fiber, according to Livestrong. Soluble fiber helps digestion because it draws water to your gut, a process that slows absorption and gives your intestines time to absorb all the nutrients in the food you consume. Not only that, but soluble fiber is the kind of fiber that will keep your visits to the bathroom regular.