Here's What Happens When You Eat Pineapple Every Day

Whether you eat pineapple in a fruit salad, as a fun drink garnish, or in juice form, pineapple can provide numerous health benefits in your daily diet. However, you can go overboard on this delicious fruit in the bromeliad family.

Pineapple is packed with vitamins B and C, as well as fiber, thiamine, and manganese. It also is naturally sweet, making it a favorite healthy addition to juices. But what makes this fruit unique is that it contains the enzyme bromelain, which has been used to treat inflammation in injuries, while also helping with ailments like cold and allergy symptoms (via WebMD).

But there can be too much of a good thing. Bromelain can cause some digestion issues and mouth irritation like sores, especially for those who already suffer from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (via Livestrong). Cooking the pineapple can help break down the enzyme and prevent it from irritation, but it is still recommended to limit your pineapple consumption to 1-2 cups per day. 

How a pineapple's ripeness can be dangerous

The strength of the pineapple's enzyme, coupled with high levels of vitamin C, can also damage your teeth enamel and potentially lead to cavities.

Your pineapple's ripeness should also be taken into consideration before enjoying. Pineapple can be toxic when consumed raw and can cause diarrhea and vomiting. A ripe pineapple should be a green-yellow color, firm, but be slightly soft when squeezed, and have a sweet, fragrant smell at the base (via Healthline).

Overall, eating pineapple on a regular basis — even daily — can be perfectly fine. Just be sure to moderate your intake, ensure your pineapple is ripe enough, and monitor any side effects you experience.

It is recommended to check with your medical professional team if you have kidney disease or other health conditions that could be affected by higher levels of nutrients in pineapple. You should also be mindful if you experience hives or a rash after eating pineapple, as you may have an allergy.