Avoid Eating Spicy Food After Surgery. Here's Why

There are many things you need to remember when preparing for surgery. Your doctor will inform you of what you need to do the night before, which will probably include things like getting a good night's sleep and fasting. However, what you need to do after surgery is just as important as what you need to do before. After a surgical procedure, your doctor may give you guidance on what to eat and what foods to avoid in the coming weeks. However, you probably won't be put on a strict diet and should be aware of what you should not eat for the best recovery results.

One food category you may want to avoid after surgery is anything spicy. According to Homage, spicy foods may upset your stomach after local anesthesia. Nausea and vomiting are already common side effects of having surgery, so spicy food may cause those symptoms to get even worse (via Verywell Health). Everyone has different tolerances for spice and will need to determine what is the best level of spice for them to eat after surgery. If your meals tend to contain a lot of spices and peppers, try cooking without them or eating small amounts at a time to test whether or not those foods make you feel nauseous.

The best foods to eat after surgery

Fortunately, there are many foods you can enjoy after surgery that will help you recover as quickly as possible. According to Verywell Health, getting enough fiber is essential after an operation. Many people struggle with constipation after surgery. Eating fiber-rich foods can counter the effects of constipation and help you get back to regular bowel movements. Some of these foods include whole-grain bread, corn, oatmeal, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

You also want to make sure that you eat enough protein after surgery. Muscles and tissue are often damaged during an operation and your body needs protein to repair those areas. Protein can also help you fight against infections. Some great high-protein foods to eat after surgery include chicken, quinoa, kidney beans, and eggs. Try to include protein in all of your meals and opt for high-quality whole food options. However, protein shakes can be a great way to supplement your diet, especially if you struggle to eat solid foods for a while.