The Breakfast Mistake That's Making It Harder To Poop

Your morning routine can be hectic. You wake up, grab a shower, then maybe catch the morning news before you rush out the door. Breakfast might be just as hurried if you don't make time for it. Perhaps it's a banana and yogurt on your way to work, or maybe it's nothing at all. With such a hurried schedule, you might not have time for a morning poop.

Maybe mornings aren't your time to poop, but if you're experiencing constipation, it could be linked to your breakfast. Breakfast is the perfect time for you to get in more fiber from whole grains and fruits to help you meet your recommended daily fiber intake of at least 22 grams. You can also get your poop moving by starting your day with some hydration such as fruit juices, tea, or coffee. Drinking enough fluids each day can relieve constipation (this might be why you're having it) by softening your poop so it's easier to pass. No matter how busy you might be in the morning, the biggest breakfast mistake that makes it hard for you to poop is skipping the meal altogether.

Eating breakfast helps you poop

You might be inclined to skip breakfast because you're trying intermittent fasting, but this could be stopping your digestive system if you're not careful. When you eat something, the reflex that signals for you to poop kicks in. This reflex is also more active in the morning hours, which is why eating breakfast will make it easier for you to poop.

According to Mount Sinai Health System, a breakfast with fiber such as oatmeal topped with fruit and nuts is a great way to get things moving in the morning. Fiber not only adds bulk to your poop, but it also feeds the bacteria in your gut to maintain a healthy gut microbiome. While coffee might also stimulate your bowels, the caffeine can be dehydrating, so you'll want to drink more fluids if you find it hard to poop. You'll also want to avoid sugar-laden breakfast foods like packaged muffins and processed meats like bacon. These foods are low in fiber and can worsen constipation (per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases).

Habits that keep your bowels healthy

The University of Michigan Health System says breakfast is the best meal for your bowels. While you don't need to eat the same foods every day to make it easier for you to poop, you'll want to keep the size of your meals consistent. In other words, you might upset your bowels if you have a small breakfast during the week and splurge on the Grand Slam Breakfast at Denny's on the weekends.

Your bowels also like routine when it comes to meals. Your body responds better when it can anticipate when it will get its nourishment at the same time every day. This might not work well for people practicing intermittent fasting that limits daily calorie intake to 600 calories every two days. If you're experiencing constipation while intermittent fasting, Medical News Today suggests drinking plenty of water, keeping high-fiber snacks handy, and avoiding long fasting intervals. Lastly, exercising regularly can improve constipation because it speeds up the time it takes for food to pass through your digestive system.