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What Is The Body Reset Diet?

A "body reset" sounds most welcome for those looking for a change, but what exactly is the body reset diet? Celebrity personal trainer Harley Pasternak is the creator of the 15-day Body Reset Diet, which promises on the back cover of his New York Times bestseller: "you'll slim down, gain energy, and get healthy in just 15 days — and you'll stay that way for good!" Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, and Kim Kardashian are just some celebrities who praise the program. Pasternak shares more about Grande's experience with Shape"Ariana loves, soups, smoothies, and salads, which are all great foods for anyone who is short on time." 

The diet is broken down into three phases, each lasting five days, with the first phase having three super smoothies and two approved snacks per day. The second phase involves swapping one smoothie for one "S" meal such as a sandwich, stir-fry, or soup. The final phase of the body reset diet includes two "S" meals and one smoothie daily (per Shape). The concept is that a reduced-calorie, restricted diet can train the body to burn calories more efficiently (via U.S. News). 

There is more to the body reset diet than just smoothies

Shape contributor Marietta Alessi says the body reset diet is not just about food but also involves light exercising, such as walking a minimum of 12,000 steps a day, with some short body weight workouts, as well as emphasizing a good night's sleep. After the 15 days are up, the suggestion is to continue with the final phase with the addition of two "free meals" per week to prevent you from feeling deprived. While there are recipes included in Pasternak's bestseller, he also put together 150 more in his Body Reset Diet Cookbook.

Registered Dietician Nutritionist Kelly Plowe admits that the popular diet does induce weight loss, mainly due to its caloric reduction but does not think it's sustainable (via LIVESTRONG). While she states there are some pros of the plan, including smoothie promotion, a focus on fiber and protein intake, and being cost-effective, Plowe says this is not a lifestyle plan. The restrictions, time consumption, and monotony are some cons mentioned by Plowe, who says she is just not a fan of quick fix diets