Why The Baby Food Diet Is Even Riskier Than You Think

While small jars of baby food are meant to fill a little one's appetite, adults have turned to eating the purees as part of a weight-loss trend — but there are risks involved. The idea behind the baby food diet is to restrict your caloric intake, and in turn, this should lead to a quick weight loss (via VerywellFit). Those who follow the diet sometimes use the baby food as a low-calorie snack or will replace one to two meals with these small jars of purees. However, this can do more harm than good, experts warn. 

Chrissy Carroll, RD, MPH, mentions people who follow the diet are promised quick weight loss, but it's at the cost of missing out on the nutrients your body needs, like fiber. Baby food has nutrients, of course, but the amount is meant to meet the needs of a baby, not an adult. In fact, baby food is actually lacking in the fiber category. On top of losing important nutrients, Everyday Health reports you're also going to be spending a pretty penny on jars of baby food, and you may be left feeling pretty bored with only eating pureed-type food. 

The promise of weight loss can lead to overeating

Jeanne Gazzaniga-Moloo, PhD, RD, tells MedicineNet it's easy to see why the baby food diet is popular as it promises quick weight loss, but she doesn't expect most adults to tolerate it long-term. Gazzaniga-Moloo, who is also the American Diabetic Association spokesperson, calls the concept "interesting" because the diet removes the chewing motion and controls calorie intake through the small portions. Despite the baby food diet sounding good on the surface, this can easily backfire and lead to binge-eating or overeating since the jars are small, she says.

Gazzaniga-Moloo says you're better off eating an apple or carrot instead of a jar of pureed carrots or applesauce. You will feel fuller, with the appropriate nutrients your adult body needs, thanks to the crunching and chewing motion. The best way to get or keep weight off is by exercising regularly and sticking to a healthy eating plan (via WebMD). Keep healthier, adult-friendly snack options in your pantry or desk drawer as an alternative to jars of baby food.