Why You Should Think Twice Before Eating Waffles For Breakfast

Nothing beats a Saturday morning breakfast of waffles drowned in maple syrup. Unfortunately, this breakfast favorite isn't considered a very healthy food choice. Waffles are often made with ingredients that most dieticians suggest limiting in our diets such as refined flour, sugar, butter, and oil, as sugar and white flour can contribute to obesity and insulin resistance (via Healthline). Because you won't find much fiber or protein in waffles either, you'll likely be hungry again soon after eating.

The nutrition info for waffles will vary significantly depending on the brand, portion size, and toppings. Two Kellogg's Eggo Homestyle Waffles, for example, have 180 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 4 grams of sugar. These numbers aren't terrible, but two of these waffles won't keep you full for very long. On the other hand, a plain Belgian waffle from IHOP contains 590 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 17 grams of sugar (via Consumer Reports). And that's before adding any syrup or toppings, which can easily get you to your daily recommended sugar intake in a single meal.

With a few tweaks, you can make a healthy and satisfying waffle

Fortunately, you don't have to give up waffles completely to be healthy. Instead, try making waffles on your own at home using whole wheat, brown rice, or quinoa flour instead of white flour, as these substitutions contain fiber and extra protein to make you feel fuller longer (via Eating Well). 

If you'd rather buy frozen waffles, there are quite a few options to choose from as well. For example, Kodiak Cakes Power Waffles in Cinnamon are packed with protein and will leave you satisfied for hours. Nature's Path Flax Plus Waffles are also a great option with plenty of fiber from flaxseeds. Additionally, Nature's Path Chia Plus Waffles use quinoa and amaranth flours plus chia seeds for a hefty dose of fiber in each bite. They also happen to be gluten-free.

With a little bit of work in the kitchen or some extra time spent hunting through the frozen foods aisle, waffles can stay on the breakfast table without compromising your diet.