Are Frozen Waffles Good For You? What To Consider

You remember breakfast, right? Maybe as a kid, you looked forward to some of the toys in the cereal box. Or your mom toasted you a Pop-Tart for you to eat while you were rushing to get to school. These days, your intermittent fasting schedule could eliminate breakfast altogether, or you skip breakfast because you're short on time to fix something healthy.

People who make time for breakfast tend to have a lower BMI and get a head start on their calcium, fiber, and fruits for the day, according to Rush University. They're also less likely to snack on unhealthy foods the rest of the day. While you don't need to carve out 30 minutes a day to make eggs benedict, you can opt for some ready-made foods in your freezer. Frozen waffles can make a healthy start to your day if they're made with whole grains. The carbs will give you energy to power through your morning, and the fiber and protein will help you feel full until lunchtime. A closer look into the ingredients of frozen waffles can tell you which brands are healthy.

What to look for in a frozen waffle

A healthy frozen waffle should be made with whole grains and have a few grams of fiber. Some brands might be enriched with vitamins and minerals, but they also might have added sugar. For example, Kellogg's Eggo Chocolatey Chip Waffles have 20% of your daily value of calcium, iron, and vitamin A, and you'll also get 10% of many B vitamins. However, you're also getting 9 grams of added sugar and less than a gram of fiber. Rather than whole grains, these frozen waffles are made with enriched flour.

A healthier frozen waffle from Kellogg's is Kashi 7 Grain Waffles. For slightly fewer calories and fat, these waffles have 6 grams of fiber and 4 grams of added sugar. Although they aren't significant sources of vitamins, they're made with wheat flour and Kashi Seven Whole Grain flour. If you're trying to cut down on your sodium, these frozen waffles (and others) have more than 300 milligrams of sodium.

If you're looking for a little more fat and protein in your breakfast, you can try Kodiak Homestead Style Power Waffles. Two waffles are 230 calories with 11 grams of fat and 12 grams of protein. You'll get a little bit of fiber — 3 grams — with 2 grams of added sugar. These waffles are made from whole grain wheat and oat flour, and the protein comes from whey protein isolate and concentrate.

Top your frozen waffle with something healthy

Sure, you can drench your frozen waffles in maple syrup and butter, but then you'll miss out on other nutrients that could round out a healthy breakfast. Because the Kodiak Power Waffle already has 11 grams of fat, you could top your waffle with some berries or other fruit to give you some vitamin C and fiber. The Kashi 7 Grain Waffles can be topped with a healthy nut or seed butter to provide some healthy fat and a little bit of protein. If you like a savory taste, try spreading some pesto and avocado on your waffle (via the University of Washington).

If you have a little more time in the morning, you can make breakfast nachos by cutting up the waffles into quarters and putting them on a serving tray. Drizzle some sweetened yogurt over the waffles, then top with your favorite fruit (via Kodiak Cakes). Frozen waffles also make a great base for breakfast casseroles while entertaining houseguests.