A Side Effect Of Eye Drops That Might Surprise You

Dry or irritated eyes are a common occurrence for many people. They can be an affliction of their own or a side effect of allergies, colds, or your environment. Anyone who experiences these eye issues relies heavily on eye drops. There are many different types of eye drops ranging from a simple saline solution to medicated liquid. One popular type of eye drops are those containing naphazoline. This medication is used to treat itchiness, redness, and puffiness in eyes that result from colds, allergies, or an external irritant (via WebMD).

Some common side effects of naphazoline include blurred vision and stinging. However, you may not have known that these eye drops can cause you to temporarily lose your sense of smell (via Mount Sinai). While this effect isn't a serious health condition, it can be annoying. Your sense of smell is connected to your sense of taste, so you may not be able to taste things very well if your sense of smell is affected.

Other side effects of eye drops

As mentioned above, two common side effects of eye drops include burning and stinging in the eyes (via Medical News Today). Other side effects may include watery eyes, redness, or swelling of the eyelids. When using eye drops, your eyes may become more sensitive to light as well. If you experience any burning, swelling, itchiness, or other discomfort when using eye drops, stop using them and consult your doctor right away.

You may also experience negative side effects if the eye drop bottle gets contaminated. This can happen if the tip of the bottle touches your eye or a contaminated surface. It is important that you don't allow the tip of the bottle to touch anything while you use it.

If you experience no ill side effects from eye drops but have found yourself needing to use them for longer than a week, schedule a visit with your doctor. Colds and dry eyes should not last longer than this unless you have an underlying health issue. People with allergies may need to use eye drops more frequently under the direction of a doctor.