When Your Baby Starts Teething, This Is What's Really Happening

Those first few years of life with your new bundle of joy are magical. Sure, you may be a little, or completely sleep deprived, but getting a whiff of that newborn skin just makes your zombie-like self melt with happiness. The first smiles, first laughs, and first steps are truly milestones to celebrate. There is one milestone, though, that we're thrilled over ... but we could have done without all of the extra screaming.

We're talking about a baby's first teeth. Or more specifically, when they begin teething and reveal that first pearly white trophy of aging. What to Expect notes that every infant has a different timeline, but a baby's first tooth usually appears when they're around half a year old. And they may be increasingly grumpy as their cute little squishy selves are probably feeling an uncomfortable change happening in their mouths.

If you're wondering if your infant has started the teething process, the most common symptom that comes along with this milestone is drooling (per Healthline). A lot of extra drooling! In addition, if your normally happy little baby has suddenly become an unmanageable pile of tears and is running a low grade fever, those symptoms could also likely mean they are teething.

That first tooth isn't so fun to push through

But why all the hysterics? Well, according to Medicine Net, their irritable mood swings topped with extra drooling are happening for good reason. "Teething" describes the process of when a tooth erupts through the gums. Um, ouch. And as stated by Children's Hospital Los Angeles, the very first teeth or molars that break through your baby's gums are often the most uncomfortable for them to deal with.

If you suspect your baby is teething, there are other signs in addition to extra drool and tears (their tears, and perhaps some tired tears of your own). Children's Hospital Los Angeles claims teething has been linked to an increased chance of diarrhea, increased biting or gnawing, and even a little extra ear pulling. What can you as a parent do? You can be there for them by giving them cuddles, giving them something cold to chew on, and contacting the pediatrician if their fever spikes above 101 degrees. A baby's first milestones are truly worth celebrating. Just be prepared if your baby isn't in the festive mood to celebrate their first tooth with you.