Is Vitamin E Good For Your Heart?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin found in a variety of foods including sunflower seeds, almonds, collard greens, asparagus, and avocado (via Harvard School of Public Health). Of its many benefits, vitamin E has been shown to protect the heart. A 2010 review found that vitamin E could "increase oxidative resistance in vitro and prevent atherosclerotic plaque formation in mouse models" (via PubMed). People who consume plenty of this vitamin often have a lower risk of developing heart disease in their later years.

While it's certainly smart to increase your vitamin E consumption, you'll need to do it wisely. Most of the foods that contain significant amounts of vitamin E are high in fat. You would have to eat a substantial amount of these foods to get the heart benefits, and may find yourself consuming too many calories and too much fat in the process (via WebMD). If you want to increase your consumption of vitamin E, consider taking a supplement. Check with your doctor first before adding any new supplements to your diet.

Other health benefits of vitamin E

In addition to being great for your heart, vitamin E plays other roles in your health. This vitamin is an antioxidant, which means it fights against free radicals in the body that can lead to a variety of diseases (via Healthline). It can also ease osteoarthritis symptoms and help manage diabetes. Vitamin E oil is also very good for your skin, and has been used to aid in wound healing and offer protection against sun damage.

While we often think of vitamin C as an immune booster, vitamin E shouldn't be left out of the conversation. According to Insider, vitamin E boosts the levels of T cells in the body. T cells are white blood cells that have an important role in immune system function. "Vitamin E helps maintain the strength and vitality of T cell membranes, helps these cells multiply correctly, and communicate to other immune processes. T cells decrease with age, so maintaining optimal intake of this vitamin is important in maintaining a well-functioning immune system," said Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD. Whether you're looking for improved immune, skin, or heart health, you can turn to vitamin E for help.